Published Podcast Episodes

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Boukary Sawadogo

Since 2015 Boukary Sawadogo has been Assistant Professor of Cinema Studies, at the City University of New York. He received his PhD in African Cinema at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, LA. In addition to his books Boukary has published numerous book chapters, articles and Film Reviews. He has published extensively on African cinema, on aesthetics, distribution, genres, and culture and gender in African film. Furthermore, he is Film review editor of the African Studies Review.  Boukary is also an enthusiastic teacher. Among his courses are introductory classes in film studies, lectures on the history and theory of film and in-depth courses on African film history and theory. In addition to his academic work, Boukary is involved in academic and community Service and is also very active in science communication. He is, above all, working creatively.

Books from Boukary we are talking about

Jeanette Toussaint

Credit: Katherine Biesecke

Jeanette Toussaint ist ausgebildete Gärtnerin, Floristin und Ethnologin. Sie arbeitet als freiberufliche Ausstellungskuratorin und Autorin in Potsdam. Zu ihren Forschungsschwerpunkten zählen Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte, Diktaturen in Deutschland und Kinos in Brandenburg. Sie war an Ausstellungen der KZ-Gedenkstätte Ravensbrück beteiligt und ist seit 2014 freie Mitarbeiterin im Projekt „NS-Raubgut“ der Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin. 

2018 erschien von ihr „Kino in der Filmstadt Babelsberg. Hundert Jahre Thalia“, 2019 folgte „Frauen! Fordert das Wahlrecht! Internationale Vorkämpferinnen & Politikerinnen in Potsdam und Brandenburg 1791 bis 1933“ zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung des Projektes „Frauenwahllokal“ in Potsdam. Derzeit forscht sie zur Potsdamer Frauenbewegung in der Umbruchzeit 1989/90 und zu Else Niemöller, Friedensaktivistin und Ehefrau des früheren Kirchenpräsidenten der evangelischen Kirche in Hessen und Nassau, Martin Niemöller.

The book from Jeanette we are talking about

Here you can find further information on the installation "Das filmische Gesicht der Stadt Potsdam" (The Cinematic Face of Potsdam) I talk about in my Dear Diary Chapter:

#Special Episode | Interview with the podcasters Susanne Braun, Yugen Yah and Will DiGravio

This is a special edition accompanying a two-part blog post of mine that will be published at the Open Media Studies Blog a few days after the release of this episode. The article is on the topic of science podcasts in media and film studies respectively on podcasts as an Open Science instrument. As part of this article, I thought it would be nice to link to a podcast episode where podcasters can have their say. 

In this special episode, you will first hear an interview with Susanne Braun and Yugen Yah (01:55-24:57). They produce the film podcast Indifilmtalk

Afterwards, you will listen to an interview with Will DiGravio. He is the host of The Video Essay Podcast (24:57-46:18).

Aus der Berliner Theaterwissenschaft entsprungen, berät und leitet Susanne Braun als Theater- und Medienpädagogin künstlerische Projekte in der Kinder-, Jugend- und Erwachsenenbildung. Seit Folge 22 diskutiert sie regelmäßig zusammen mit Yugen Yah mit Gästen aus der Filmlandschaft im Indiefilmtalk-Podcast. Mit ihrer sympathisch bestimmten Stimme führt sie durch filmische Abende, Panel und Podiumsdikussionen.

Yugen Yah ist Filmschaffender aus Berlin und immer auf der Suche nach spannenden Geschichten, die erzählt werden wollen. Neben seiner Arbeit möchte er mit dem Talk- und Podcastformat Indiefilmtalk die Filmszene ein wenig mehr zusammenrücken lassen, damit man auch abseits vom Set und Produktionsstress mitbekommen kann, was uns in der Filmszene aktuell so rumtreibt.

Will DiGravio is a writer, podcaster, and audiovisual essayist. He currently hosts The Video Essay Podcast, a show featuring interviews with leading practitioners of the form. He also writes the weekly newsletter, "Notes on Videographic Criticism." In 2020, he earned an M.Phil. in the Centre for Film & Screen at the University of Cambridge, and in 2019 a B.A. from Middlebury College. His personal website is

#Episode 12 | Josetxo Cerdán Los Arcos

In this episode, my Bling of the month is the director of the Filmoteca Española, Josetxo Cerdán Los Arcos. We talk about the organization of the Filmoteca, how the Filmoteca manages to keep film heritage alive and about Josetxo's vision for Cinematheques.


Josetxo Cerdán Los Arcos. Director at Filmoteca Española since september 2018. Previously Full Professor at the Communication Department of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. He has coordinated film programs for institutions such as Lincoln Center (New York, 2014); Anthology Film Archive (New York, 2013); Distrital (Mexico City, 2013), Robert and Francis Flaherty Seminar (New York, 2012), Locarno Intarnational Film Festival (2009), among others. Artistic director of Punto de Vista. Navarra International Documentary Film Festival (Pamplona, 2010-2013). He’s been also involved in film production and scripwriting: Los pasos de Antonio (Antonio Steps, Pablo Baur, 2007); Pepe el andaluz (Pepe the Andalusian, Alejandro Alvarado & Concha Barquero, 2012); La película de nuestra vida (The Movie of Our Lives, Enrique Baró Ubach, 2016). The last two based in the home movies and family videos of the filmmakers families. He coordinated an M. A. in Documentary Film Production at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona for ten years (1999-2008). He has co-edited books and special issues in different academic journals on documentary, avant-garde and Spanish film production and history, such as Mirada, memoria y fascinación. Notas sobre el documental español(Ocho y Medio & Málaga Film Festival, 2001); Documental y Vanguardia (Cátedra, 2005); Después de lo real: pensar el cine documental, hoy (Archivos de la Filmoteca, 2008). He has been lead investigator in four research projects financed by the Spanish Government, the last one (2018-2021) to create a digital archive of self-images of migrations between Spain and Latin America. Finally, he has published extensively in different academic journals and collaborated in collective books. 

In the News Chapter Birgit Acar tells us about the film and event series

125 Years of Cinema. From Wintergarden to Multiplex (125 Jahre Kino. Vom Wintergarten zum Multiplex) that reconstructs historical forms of movie exhibition. 


Birgit Acar holds an M.A. in film studies and comparative literature. She works as a cinema programmer for the Filmmuseum Potsdam/Germany.  She was part of the programme commission for the documentary film festival dokumentART in Neubrandenburg/Germany from 2006 until 2013 and worked for other juries and selection committees, e.g. at the Berlin International Film Festival.  She gave classes on cinema and festival programming at the Filmuniversität Babelsberg from 2016 through 2019.

In my Diary, I report on the annual meeting of the Society of Media Studies (Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft). It took place from 29 September to 2 October 2020. 


Nocturne Plattform

The book Experimente lernen, Techniken tauschen. Ein spekulatives Handbuch“ 

Eds. Julia Bee and Gerke Egert.

Ideas, wishes and suggestions for topics or events you want us to report about? Please use the contact form. Or send us a mail 

Please read our privacy policy before contacting us. The contact form and the privacy policy are currently only available in German. 

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